As such, I often peruse my favorite websites and hit them up when the things I want go on sale. For example, last week I finally got a Land's End coat I've had my eye on for months, because now it's 50% off.
Anyway, the last few days I've been poking around Children's Place (one of only a few places I know of that sell pants with adjustable waistbands for the child who continues to grow up but not out). They have a bunch of stuff on clearance, so yesterday I sorted through all the things I have for Wyatt and Jana and settled on what they still need so we're all ready for the next growth spurt. I had a blast, because everything I got was at least 40% below the normal price. As I was checking out, I decided on a whim to google "Children's Place coupons." Lo and behold, I find this random website with an online code to enter- I tried it and it worked!
So in addition to everything being on sale, I got an extra 15% off the total. *sweet* And since CP only charges $5 shipping no matter how much you spend, I totally cleaned up! All in all, I got Wyatt 3 shirts, 6 pants, a suit, a pair of shoes, 2 little sweaters, a hat and 2 pairs of jammies, and for Jana I got a dress, a sweater, 3 shirts, a hat and 2 pairs of jammies.
Here's a little sampling of the cute stuff I got (I'm SO excited to take pictures of the kids in the matching dress and sweater vest!!!):

For those of you interested, here's the aforementioned website:
They have a bunch of stores you can choose to look for coupons for. As I said, I think I'm in love!
One of these days I'll post more family pictures, but here's some of the kids when we went to Blast Off! the other day. Poor quality cell phone pix, so I doctored them up a little. :)
I love this one- even when he's sleepy he just keeps playing!
We hope you're all well and happy! We are nigh unto ecstasy over the nice weather, I've even bought the seeds for this year's garden- the plan is to plant a salsa garden and make and can some delicious salsa this fall. Yipee!
Love love love and Gringo's chips and salsa (second best after Dad's homemade),