Lee is wonderful, I love him, and he bought us a Wii. He's funny, he named his mii Lii. The kids love Daddy, and Skeeter and Wyatt go dashing to the front window whenever I say "Daddy's home!"
I'm fine. I'm back in the groove of work, and I have manged to still cook dinner most nights. My mii's name is Melodii.
Wyatt is at such a fun age- you can actually watch him learn new things and try new things and test new boundaries (incidentally, how do you put a kid in time out while he's taking a bath?). He loves to play with toys, especially all the toys from Aunt Marianne (thank you again!) and to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse ("Kicky? Kicky?"). When we have hot dogs for lunch he sings "Haw daw, haw daw!" and when we put the toys away before naps and bedtime he sings, "Clee-up, clee-up!"
Jana is doing great. She sleeps all night, she naps well during the day and is smiley and giggly when she's awake. She likes me ok, but she LOVES Daddy. She will coo and sing and laugh when Daddy plays with her. What a sweetheart.
Skeeter is furry and we love him. He is super glad that I'm feeling up to getting everyone out for walks again, and I am super glad that the weather has been somewhat compliant to be able to (see below)!
So here's the photo documentary of our lives to date.

I LOVE when a new baby starts to smile and interact- you get to see their little personality start to emerge!

Jana and sweet cousin Kate

Wyatt, Jana and ultra cool cousin Paul

Christmas Day- the wings are embroidered on the pillow, but I didn't notice until after that it makes her look like a little baby angel. We already think of her that way anyway!

My favorite gift of 2008

Skeeter in the snow

Wyatt really liked his new frog pillow and blanket. Good call, Santa.

Opening presents Christmas morning
...and all through the house....

...not a creature was stirring....
...except Mommy with the camera! Please note what Lee's reading. He did it totally on his own, I swear.


Putting on Christmas Eve jammies!

Wyatt and Daddy opening his first Christmas Eve jammies!

Here Wyatt gives "milk bath" a whole new twist. After this picture, he got a water bath.
It's not as huge as it looks, I was crouching down. But it was still an awful lot of snow.

Deep and drifted snow!

Frosty pine in the front yard. Daddy shoveled multiple times daily for about a week while this storm raged on and on. Special thanks to Uncle Brian for letting us borrow his snow blower a few times!

Funny things happen when it snows a lot, then blows a lot, and then freezes. This is the drift in the front yard by the driveway.
The front of the truck after said snowing and blowing. It was an extremely east-bound wind!

Skeeter can't walk through snow this deep, so he lopes like a deer. It's SO funny.
It snowed a TON right around Christmas- I was glad we weren't planning on traveling, because we would have cancelled those plans!
Christmas Baby
Wyatt was running away to play, but gave Jana a quick kiss before he left. What a sweet big brother.

My Christmas Elves. I can't believe Christmas 2006 I had no children, and Christmas 2008 I have two! I think I will try the novelty of NOT having a baby this year. :)

Jana would cry without her pacy, and Wyatt didn't feel like holding still, so I'm glad we got any pictures at all!
Ha ha! Huge dog nose!

Sweet little Christmas Jana. Demonstrating a healthy tonic neck reflex.

I had imagined taking cute pictures of Wyatt holding Jana by the tree. It took about two seconds to give up on that idea!
We hope you are all well and happy and enjoying the shiny brand-new year. We are looking forward to achieving our lofty goals this year, and wish you all luck in yours!
Love and tasty Chocolate No-Bake Cookies (in our house they are affectionately called "Poo Stacks"),
L,M,W,J and S