So, as promised, here's the "more later." Lee is good, and I am good. Wyatt is almost 3, is cute as a button, and will start potty training next week (heaven help you, Mommy). Jana is 15 months, still has no teeth, and has a very sweet temperament and a very short fuse. Just like Mommy, minus the sweet temperament.
And now a picture feast.

I got tired of Wyatt dragging my vacuum out to play with, so I got him one of his own. He loves it, although he still gets mine out when he has a real mess to clean up.

My kids like suckers.

I mean, they really...

...REALLY like suckers.

One afternoon the yogurt became a hair/floor treatment instead of a snack.

And in the clean up time, Jana fell asleep.

I told Wyatt to show me what Sis was doing. I laughed, and showed him the picture, and we both laughed some more.

One morning while feeding her breakfast, Lee was suddenly struck with how stinkin' cute his daughter is, and had an impromptu photo shoot.

Of course I am biased. She IS the cutest little girl of all time.
Christmas morning Wyatt was up before anyone else. He found his new shopping cart, loaded Mickey and Lovey in, and then went to work opening presents.
Santa made a good call with the Lightning McQueen ride-on. Yay!
The Ariel ride-on was just as big a hit.
Checking out the new kitchen!
Christmas Jana
He'd go play for a while, then come back and just rest on Lightning. It was pretty cute.
Christmas Beast hug
We have only had a few good storms this winter, so I had to document one.
This is in our front yard. I love this tree.
We're using the snowpants, Aunt Marianne! Thank you!
He will- seriously- make a mess deliberately so he can get the vacuum out and clean it up. He actually does a very good job (in both the mess and the cleaning thereof)!
The other day the kids were up and around a little before I was, and Jana found a pile of pancakes leftover from the night before. She helped herself, and just toddled all around the house with a pancake in each hand.
She shared the third pancake with Wyatt. What a sweetheart.
Not only did she eat both pancakes, but she ate a whole bowl of oatmeal and a tub of bananas, plus a bottle of milk and half a cup of juice. Will someone tell me why she's in the "less than 0.1 percentile" for her weight? And while you're at it, tell me where her teeth are?!?
That's all. I'll certainly update more when are plans are more solid, but everything we have planned for now hinges on the location of a job. I can't complain at all, though, we are healthy and happy and we have each other and our beast, and life is good (at first I accidentally typed "life is goof," and I laughed, because it is)!
Hope you are all well and happy and enjoying this beautiful 2010!
Love and chips with a gallon of nacho cheese dip (I love Sam's Club),
M, L, W, J & S