At any rate, I realized the only documentation I have of our lives right now is the letters I've been writing Lee, and I doubt they'll ever make it into any sort of journal. So my goal is to be a person again, start planning outings and play dates, and keep up on my blog, lest this adventure in our lives fall into the giant black hole of lost memories. Maybe I'm subconsciously hoping for that...?
Lee has been gone for just over 5 weeks. I get letters from him fairly often, and the pain of missing him is just a constant ache now instead of the sharp sting of the first little while. My parents have been wonderful in helping me with the kids, and my coworkers have been understanding and kind in letting me hog all the call I can afford. Our plan now is just to stay the course and endure to the end of this adventure, and then endure into the next one!

Jana's 2nd Birthday Party

The noisemakers didn't actually make noise. How wonderful!
Opening birthday presents!
Layne and Kyle (Lee's brothers), Zane (Lee's friend) and Lee at the Going Away Party
Right after Lee was sworn in.
Playing in the autumn leaves
It was Wyatt's idea to grab the stool to jump into the leaves... I guess it's a natural instinct!
My little Muffin Man
My JanaBean
I send pages with lots of pictures to Lee, he says he loves to show them off to everyone around him. Going into the Army at 30 years old is pretty late, most of the other soldiers are early 20's or younger, so there aren't many others with a wife and family at home.
It was windy, and his ears kept flapping in the breeze! Skeeter misses Lee; the first week or so after he left, Skeeter would just wait by the back door until late at night, even though everyone else was home. He was just waiting for Daddy.
Buzz Lightyear and the Sugarplum Fairy
And mommy is a little devil, but that's nothing new!
I hope you are all well and happy, and hope you will forgive me for being such a hermit! I am grateful for all your friendships and support, and have definitely felt your love and prayers. Wishing you delightfully fun holiday preparations!
Love and Wice Kwispy Tweats,
Melody & Co.
Is Jana really 2? WOW. I can't imagine doing the single mom thing. You sure are strong. I assume Lee is doing well and liking it so far? Hang in there. We still need to get together sometime and have a playdate!
Yay for a post!! I love your style, so I love it when you blog. Plus I love to see pictures of the kids. They're SO darling.
I'm sad to say I didn't even KNOW Lee was going into the Army. Wow. What a brave journey you guys are embarking on. Courage in the singleness!
Jana is stunning in that close-up!
Congrats on the baby steps....and you pretty much nailed it in you post. I guess it is all about enduring the current chapter in our lives, only to endure the next one, huh? I LOVE the pictures. I hope that you are well and that you TRULY are alright....Love your guts...ribbit ribbit!!!
Aw, such cute kids. Glad you are enduring. =) We had a Buzz Lightyear here this year, too. Excited to see ya in a week!
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