We are on the edge of some big decisions- the kind that HAVE to be made, because not doing anything would have repercussions as profound as those of any of the other options we might choose between. I know at some time or another everyone has choices like these, and I also know that the most important factor in all of this is faith.
On an unrelated note, we had quite a snowstorm Monday night. Tuesday morning Wyatt looked out at the snow and wanted to play in it. So he did, and bless his heart at least he put on his boots first. Coat, hat, gloves? No time. Jana took the precaution of putting on a raincoat and boots, but she was also so bent on getting outside that she wouldn't hear of a hat or gloves either.
They were so anxious to get started on that adventure that they just threw caution out the window and went for it- I suspect knowing that I was watching over them and would intervene for their safety if it really became necessary.
So while I was uploading these pictures and looking over them with a smile- a mixture of humor and incredulity- I started thinking. I had been pondering on courage and faith, and some ideas I had turning over in my mind started to come together.
Almost every decision can be compared to my kids' little adventure. There are times when I can decide carefully and completely, and take every single precaution I can think of in an effort to be prepared- but there are also times when the best/right thing to do is just dive in and have faith that a loving heavenly parent (who I sometimes imagine wearing a smile of humor and incredulity at my actions) will watch over and bless me with the knowledge and guidance I need- when I need it.
Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear- not absence of fear. Except a creature be part coward it is not a compliment to say it is brave.
-Mark Twain
Either life entails courage, or it ceases to be life.
-E.M. Forster
Go to the edge of the cliff and jump off. Build your wings on the way down.
-Ray Bradbury
Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point.
-C.S. Lewis
When we went forth into the waters of baptism and covenanted with our Father in heaven to serve Him and keep His commandments, He bound himself also by covenant to us that He would never desert us, never leave us to ourselves, never forget us, that in the midst of trials and hardships , when everything was arrayed against us, He would be near unto us and sustain us.
-George Q. Cannon
This is a great time to live. When times are unsettled, when the dangers persist, the Lord pours out His blessings upon His church and kingdom. I have been associated now in the councils of the Church for upwards of thirty years. During that time I have seen, from the sidelines at least, many a crisis. Among the leaders I have seen great disappointment, some concern, maybe some anxiety. One things I have never seen is fear. Fear is the antithesis of faith. In this Church and in this kingdom there is faith. So let us look forward with an attitude of faith and hope.
-Boyd K. Packer (emphasis added)

I haven't come to any specific conclusion to the issue at hand yet- but I know where to place my faith and trust, and I have learned that there simply isn't room for fear in my life.
Oh Mel. What a great post. Great thoughts on fear and faith, and great pictures of your great kids.
I know that with the Lord's help, you'll choose the best thing. (Tell me the options so I can weigh in!!)
And thanks for letting me see Hank and Mary!!
I'm a firm believer that God is in the details and he will guide your life when you put your faith in Him. Good luck. It's never easy to make tough decisions.
Cute, cute, cute. I love the quote by George Q. Cannon. I never thought of it that way; it is a very comforting thought, isn't it?
Hope the answer to your issue presents itself soon! Good luck, girl!
I love you so much Melody!! I have always looked up to you as such an amazing nurse and mother! I know that your prayers will be answered on what to do. You are so strong!! I couldn't do what you do every day! you are amazing! Thank you for your kind words!
What a great analogy - thanks for this post. I think fear is the great "disruptor" in my life ... keeping me from moving forward.
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