I always get such a kick out of these things from despair.com. Lately- probably due to pregnancy- I've been feeling like I don't fit in my skin and that I just can't keep up with life. Both Wyatt and I are usually in our jammies until early afternoon or later, and all the household chores are just sitting there not done, and all I want to do is sleep away my days off of work. So with everything piling up around me I start to feel a little nuts, and with the weather not exactly complying with normal spring parameters (seriously, snow in May? Give me a break!), I feel like things are caving in. So this picture totally cracked me up- if I don't do everything a good little mommy & wife should do- oh well. At least I can be perfect at being nuts!
And now I feel better for having said it. Though I should point out that the pressure I feel to succeed at mommying and homemaking is pretty self-imposed. Lee has yet to complain about coming home to a messy house and no dinner. Bless his heart, I am so lucky to have him. So Lee can be the diamond and I will be the lump of basketcase and together we'll do just fine.
Jammies until noon please. Sometimes I'm still in them when Brad gets home from work(5:30) or I've just already changed back into them because I'm ready for bed by then. :) You'd make a great diamond but I think I prefer you the way you are!
There was snow on my lawn this morning too. Where are you guys living now?
I totally know what you mean about getting the chores done. How does the day go so quickly and nothing got done yet I am so tired from all the lifting and diaper changing and feedings. By the way, I didn't know you were pregnant again. Congratulations! When are you due? I don't know if I am ready for the pregnant thing again. It was tough the first time. :)
Hang in there. I find just getting up and getting dressed in the morning is the key to a good day.
that is too funny. i found if i don't change first things when i wake up that i stay in my jams too. plus if i know were not going anywhere why bother getting dirty "nice clothes"
Thanks for sharing that!!! Are you guys still in Idaho? I'm in Pocatello still (hopefully only for another couple years, though!) and we had 5 inches of snow yesterday. Ugh!
Karen is right, you're perfect just the way you are. Besides you're making sure that the most important job gets done, and that's loving your boy! And what says love more than jammies in the afternoon! That's how I show my love too. ;)
Yay Melody! Welcome to the blogging world :) Jammies are in no way overrated - I stay in them many days. And as for things piling up around you, you are pregnant, have a toddler running around and work fulltime! Give yourself some slack! :)
Yah! You're a blogger too! Cute pictures!
So good to hear from you! I'm excited you found my blog and left a message! Now we can keep even closer tabs on each other. Lets get everyone together this week at Porter Park to play!!! I need some exercise.. and Brooklyn needs to get out to play a little more often! Maybe we can work together again soon! T2ul, Hil
Congratulations on finally joining us in the blogging world! I hope to see lots of pregancy and Wyatt posts in the near future!
Seriously, what Tiffany said! The only time I feel normal again - wear actual clothes (not pj's everyday), clean the house, and do better at making meals is when I'm on my 9 day break from work...then we're back to insaneness (is that a word?) until the next break!
I know how you're feeling... I don't think there is anything wrong with that. It doesn't help that the weather has been terrible here. I thought I was the only one that was being lazy. P.S. It's good to see you in the blogging world. Our website is stclifford.blogspot.com
Oh, Melody! Pregnancy seems to magnify all emotions whether right or wrong. My basketness hits around 4pm and lasts until the kids are in bed. Seriously if it is 8pm and the kids are still up I start to feel really anxious and nervous!!! YIKES! Let's hang on together, shall we?! LOVE TO YOU!
I'm with you -- I don't fit in my skin anymore either. Are you coming down to Utah anytime soon? I'd love to see you and chat about things of all sorts. Let me know...
Your Favorite Spring Pig :)
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