Lately Wyatt likes to put on Skeeter's collar (we call it his "jingle"). It's funny because I'll hear a jingling in the front room, and then Skeeter comes looking for me with this martyred expression on his face, like he's saying "Mom! Wyatt took my jingle again!"

I was a tornado-sleeper as a child. Apparently Wyatt is too- not only is he buried in stuffed animals, but the crib sheet is pulled off and all wadded into the corner.

Is he reciting Shakespeare to his macaroni and cheese?

Skeeter and Wyatt

He also really likes to play with the broom these days.

I was sorting out the 0-3 month things for Jana, and Wyatt found the pink Lovey we got for her (Wyatt has a blue one). He immediately started breaking it in for her- what a good big brother! Notice he's wearing Skeeter's collar again.

Mommy and Skeeter (and Jana, but she's a little harder to see...)

This just makes me laugh. What is that face?!?

I love the head-tilt dogs do when they hear a funny noise.

If it's even sort of round, it's a "ball."

Huh. I guess he was full.

Wyatt helping Daddy mow the lawn.

We went to the Gardens up on campus a couple of weeks ago and our friend Monica took a bunch of family pictures for us. Wyatt was not in a very good mood, but they still turned out really cute. Thanks, Monica!

Ha ha, Crabby Wyatt!

Wyatt, Mommy and Daddy

Wyatt was, of course, much happier running free.

Wyatt has Pyper eyes- he reminds of my brothers and Dad in this picture.
There's not much else new in AndersonLand. We are just hanging in there, counting the days until Jana comes! We hope you are all well and happy, and are very grateful to have the wonderful friends and family that we do. Lots of love and delicious spaghetti squash (mmm...I know what I'm having for dinner tonight)!
Look at your beautiful little family. The pictures turned out great. Isn't it hard to believe that you will be a family of 4 in just a few weeks! And I can definitely tell you are nesting with how spotless your house looks in these pictures. My kitchen floor has food on it 90% of the time. But maybe you are just a clean person :)
You look GREAT. And don't roll your eyes at me... You are a cute pregnant lady!! And that one picture of Wyatt totally looks like a little Matt!! You make cute babies. I can't wait to meet Jana!!
"Oh Macaroni, how do I love thee?" Love that pic, as well as the cute family ones. So Keili's done, just you and Monica to go!
I love all these pictures!!That Wyatt is a hoot. And of course Skeeter has a place in my heart. We can't wait to meet that little Jana
Melody....Thank You!!! Reading your blog puts a smile on my face. Thank You!!!
I love Andersonland! We really should visit there more often, or perhaps I should just invite Andersonland to my house. Hmmm... I'll make some phone calls eventually for us to get together! I better not wait until I feel better or it could be a really long while!
Kids are great. Ashley loves to play with the broom too, and I can't tell you how many times we eat mac and cheese each week at our house. Good luck with childbirth. You look cute in your pics!
Really cute pics! You're looking great. I'm sure you're feeling like you're ready for her to be there =). Get what sleep you can now... 2 kids is so fun!
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