While the pregnancy is wearing on Mommy, I think it's starting to wear out Daddy too. He is so great to help with Wyatt, and he even fixed us all dinner tonight (YUM). Even so, I think it's hard for him to work all day every day and come home to an incapacitated wife and a slightly crabby baby and a wound-up puppy. We ALL just need to hang in there a little longer!

When Mommy's too tired to do anything at all, this is what happens: a cup of Teddy Grahams, a sippy cup of water, and a Baby Einsteins movie on the "repeat play" setting. And of course, we're still in our jammies.

The other day I heard a little voice from the nursery: "No, Wyatt. No!" I immediately went to investigate- and found him on his toes on the edge of a crib like a balance beam, his bib on backwards like a cape, and the thermostat cranked up to 90. Grinning from ear to ear.

In case you were wondering, there's the missing "W" from the last picture. He has a long reach!
This was during lunch the other day- Wyatt was being so cute counting all his little pieces of bread, "One...two...THREE!!!" He wouldn't do it anymore once I got the camera out, but it's still kind of cute- Wyatt's Grammy hasn't seen him in a while, so here he is in action! :) He only squeals this much when he's really excited.
For your sake I hope that baby Jana waits until the induction date - but hooray for when she finally makes her grand entrance! Good luck in these final days!
That is a great picture of Wyatt on the balance beam. I'm assuming that he was scolding himself with the "No Wyatt No" what a good boy!
this just makes me laugh. i remember you telling me about him almost falling out. that crazy kid.
Mellie - I can't even tell you how I love reading your blog! You girls are my lifeline when I need a daughter/family/grandkiddie fix! It seems that every couple of weeks, especially if I haven't had a good visit with somebody - especially the girls - I really get homesick and missing everyone! (Especially the grandkids, who are growing so fast!) So thank you thank you thank you!! Wyatt is such a cutiepie, and I can watch him grow this way!....and hear him too! Wow - ain't technology grand!
Hugs & kisses from Hurricane-recovering Houston, Mom (Sister Pyper)
LOL! 37.4 weeks..... not that you're counting! I love the color of Wyatt's bedroom wall! He's a cute little man.
I know the last little bit is the hardest, and I know we are all so excited to see what she looks like!! Hang in there to have ALL the holidays off, (YAHOO!!)
So I waited for you to come in all weekend...and you never did. As usual it was crap, because I was working. Have you been to the Doctor again?
I can't believe Wyatt can climb his crib like that! How scary! Is that what I can expect from a boy? He only does stuff like that occasionally, right? I love the backwards, superhero bib effect. What a smart little boy to think of that!
haha, I was looking at Wyatt's superhero picture going "hm, that's an interesting twist on Wyatt, to just spell it 'yatt.'" I didn't think you'd be that cruel. =) I'm also impressed with the chipmunk sounds in the video, nice.
You are almost there! Are you still working, too? We just found out that we are having twins! I can hardly believe it. We are most likely moving to NY in a few weeks, I hope I can really do all of this. Call me and we'll catch up!
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