Lee is working hard and has started running regularly again (just about every morning before work), and is talking about doing the Salt Lake Marathon again next year! He has been working on decorating the yard for Halloween, and when he's done I'll post pictures. He is such a sweet Daddy- when he comes home he goes straight for the kids for hugs and kisses and he's been so much help. We sure love Daddy!
I am doing all right. I'm not sleeping much yet, but since that's been the story of my life for the last 3 and a half years, it doesn't totally kill me-I'm just a little... shall we say... irritable. I am doing my best to count the little things that are going well so I don't get too bogged down with the things I wish were going better. I am really feeling well overall, though.
Wyatt is such a sweetheart. He gives Jana kisses and pats her head all the time- only once has he tried to hit her, and it's because I was changing her when he was crying and wanted to be held. He's starting to understand that Mommy's attention is a little more divided now, but is still coping just fine. He is talking more every day and loves to run and run and run and run and run EVERYWHERE!
Jana has already gained half a pound- she is our sweet little Pig Baby (seriously, she eats so much). She is sort of starting to get a schedule figured out, but it still entails a nice long awake period between about 10 pm to 1 am, and Mommy is NOT okay with that. We're working on it. But she is sweet and cuddly and totally holds all our hearts.
Skeeter is such a good boy. He loves when I'm feeling up to going out for walks, and is good at keeping Wyatt busy playing tug-of-war with his puppy doll or playing tag with him when I'm feeding Jana or am otherwise busy- who knew my dog would be such a great babysitter? He does just fine with Jana, and when her projectile spit-up hit the floor this morning (yuck), he took care of that in a jiffy (double YUCK! ...but much easier to clean up, I admit).
Here's a bunch of pictures- bear with me, but I'm posting lots for our families who are far away!

I got Wyatt some new Elmo slippers, and he loves them. Sesame Street now has its own timer on the DVR, and can I just say- that show is so funny! Like the other day, Cookie Monster was looking for things that start with "P," and he found a painting by Picasso- which of course he ate. Then he said, "Hmm. Me like it, but me not get it." That was the first good belly laugh I've had in a while.

Opening a present from Grammy. Thanks, Grammy!

Playing with his new Leo doll- he LOVES it! Thanks, Tara and Morgan!

He's been having a grand old time playing with all the baby things I got out for Jana. He is much too heavy for this bouncy chair, but he has so much fun in it!

A little kiss- totally unprovoked. I'm so glad I had my camera in my hand!
Skeeter decided to play, too.

I gave Jana to Daddy to hold for a minute, and Daddy handed her off to Skeeter and took some pictures. :)

Playing on a chilly fall day.

Skeeter came and stole the stick right after I took this, and there ensued another game of tag.

Oh, Rexburg. I guess it's time to put the chairs away for the winter. Skeeter drank all the water out of the chairs (hence the little pawprints), and there was nothing left but ice.

Sometimes Wyatt lets Jana have a turn in the bouncy chair, too!

I wasn't sure at first, but it's looking more like she's going to have the Pyper eyes also.

My little Banana Cake
We hope this finds everyone happy and enjoying Halloween preparations. We made some pumpkin bread the other day- it was SO good and really made us get into the, um, Halloween spirit. On to carving our pumpkins!
Lots of love and a caramel apple,
Lee, Melody, Wyatt, Jana and Skeeter
That picture of Jana all wrapped up in Skeeter is priceless!!! I LOVE IT!!!! I hope you are feeling better, sleeping more, and I hope it all goes up from here....
Too cute! One of these days we're going to come and "steal" Wyatt for a couple hours so you can sleep while Jana Banana sleeps. I don't know when it will be. But sometime soon I hope!
I love the pictures! And I'm so glad Wyatt warmed up to Leo-I was a little worried. Hope you get some sleep soon!
Next to Jana, I can't believe how BIG Wyatt is!! Having a little one makes the other little ones so much bigger....sigh....
Beautiful family, Mel. Beautiful.
Wow, you're kids are so cute!
One of these days I'll have to watch Sesame Street again...I love watching kid movies again and realizing all of the hilarious stuff that I didn't catch when I was little...seriously, Sword in the Stone is just hilarious!
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