She made her debut at 0516 on October 1st. She's 6 pounds 13 ounces, 19.5 inches long, and her apgars were 9 and 9 (for you curious nurses). YAY!
More to come later, but I need sleep now! It's a pretty funny labor story, since I was still on the clock getting paid when she was born- there are some perks to going into labor at work, I guess.

Jana Kay Anderson

Daddy, Wyatt, Mommy and Jana
We are so excited for you! We can't wait to come meet her, but for now get lots of rest and give Jana some snuggles from us!
WHAT?!? You were supposed to wait til the weekend, remember?? All of us nurses are expecting a play-by-play, you know.
Ah well. She's pretty dang cute. Way to have a baby and get paid for it! Congrats!! Enjoy your maternity leave!!
Congratulations Melody, Lee and Wyatt on your newest addition. She's beautiful - and it sounds like she is healthy and strong. I can't wait to hear the full story! Take care!
black hair...WHAT! She is a doll, i can't wait to hold her!
She's so beautiful! So happy for you guys - congratulations!!
she is really so stinken cute. the other night, she was so good for us once she ate and fell asleep. i loved holding her. congrats.
Congrats, I'm so glad she's here and that everything went well...(You know for us paranoid people who know too much!) I hope Wyatt & Skeeter make the adjustment well and that you enjoy your leave.
Yay, she came! Congratulations Melody! Did she come too soon or does this mean you'll get all the holidays off? Let's hope for the later. Can't wait to hear how it went.
Oh. My. Gosh. Mel, she's beautiful!! (sniff, sniff...) I'm so happy for you! And gosh, I never got PAID for having a baby. I've been paying for 18 years, but nobody ever paid me!!! :)
Congrats Melody! She's adorable!
congrats! She is cute as ever! hopefully we'll get together soon, I cant wait to hear the story! Sleep and Snickers
What a perfect little family!!! She is absolutely AAAdorable, Mel. Good work! We really love you guys!!!
So cute! Congrats!
Oh my gosh, she is so stinking cute!! Congrats, you guys! Can't wait to hear all the details, but in the meantime get some sleep!
congrats mel and lee! She is so beautiful! tell the whole story when you are able :) but ysy for getting paid to have a kid!
Congratulations! I can't wait to hear the whole story- it sounds very interesting =). She was VERY anxious to come and be part of your family! That's neat that you kinda knew she was going to be there soon... She's beautiful.
Congrats guys!! She is so cute! Can't wait to see her. Sorry we didn't post sooner. I haven't looked at my blog in a few days and just barely got a chance.
Congratulations you guys! She's adorable!
Wow, those are AWESOME APGAR scores!! I look forward to the labor story when you feel you have enough energy to do so. And I also look forward to Halloween pictures and first Thanksgiving and first Christmas...I love the year of firsts! Although Sam had to wait for her first Easter to happen AFTER her first birthday, since she was born April 7 and Easter that year was in March, the next year it was AFTER April 7.
She is adoreable! Congrats! I can't wait to meet her. Get some sleep, you really deserve it.
Hey I hope you're doing well, adjusting ok to two. You're crazy, I can't even imagine that right now. And by the way, the apgars were 9 and 10. Only a nurse's baby gets that.
Congratulations Anderson's! I'm coming up to Rexburg on Thursday and hope to see you!
Congratulations! This one is for Lee Wyatt Anderson if it is the one I know from the good old NYUM around 99-01. I have some good memories involving paintball, a Canadian, and a kid from Georgia with a funny accent. I came across your blog from a family member's high school reunion site. Check out ours if you get time.
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