Sometimes I think Wyatt is really busy, but he has a lot of important work to do and things to explore. Far be it for me or my ritualistic cleaning to get in the way.
Here's how being busy influenced us today...

I confess that I turn to these Homestyle Bakes on nights when I otherwise wouldn't cook at all. Jana has been really out of sorts today, and while I was busy not putting her down (she'd have none of that), I made an interesting discovery: these can be prepared and put in to bake with JUST ONE HAND! That's right, I made dinner without putting Jana down. So dear Homestyle Bakes, thank you.

Here Wyatt is busy throwing himself on the bed and laughing like a loon. Skeeter was busy keeping watch, as usual.

One item on his to-do list: knock over the hamper, empty it, and open the blinds.

Take random items out of several different drawers, leave where they can be stepped on.

Somehow manage to get frosting on toes.
(It was really funny to see him trying to lick it off, but I wasn't fast enough with the camera!)

Frost cookie. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Eat cookie.
Before it sounds like I'm complaining, I have to say that more often than not I laugh at his antics (except yesterday when he found a VHS and removed the tape and threaded it through the baby gate) and am pleased that he's discovering new things. And I laughed out loud after this conversation today:
Mom, putting a pan of cookies in the oven: "There go the cookies!"
Wyatt, looking through the oven window: "Bye, cookies! I love you!"
you have such a cute little guy and a fun blog to read...thanks for making me laugh...I'm here wishing my projectile vomiting kids would give me a break and I was grateful at least someone heard me!!
You're a good sport, Melody. Isn't it fun being a mom?
And you think I'm a good mom because I let my kids color hearts that I cut out? I think I'm going to brave frosting and decorating sugar cookies, but I have to build up a lot of courage!
Oh Wyatt, you do a LOT around your house and I'm glad it doesn't go unnoticed. I'm glad you've found balance --help Mom frost the cookies and get something to eat at the same time. You're a thinker!
Hmmm, your daily schedules sound pretty familiar to my own! Wyatt is pretty funny I would have to admit!
Oh, Mel, you get such good pictures! I always freak out when I see the mess that my little crew makes and forget to laugh and take a picture. Maybe that should be one of my new years resolutions... Laugh, take a picture, then deal with the naughtiness!
Ohhh so sweet!! I bet if the cookies could've talked they would have told Wyatt "I love you too!!" Ohh that just cracks me up.
What a good way to look at life, the to do list. I love it. That will help me relax over the "dump and run" I call it when Kade dumps everything out and then runs only to find something else to dump.
Bye, cookies!! I love you, too!!!
Mel, CHERISH. CHERISH. CHERISH. Before you know it, he'll be getting ready to go on his mission and you'll be wondering where the time went!! And you'd give anything to have him little, just for a few minutes, so you could kiss him while he's sleeping and he would still think you could fix everything. *sniff*
Ah, I'm a giant fan of the Homestyle Bakes dinners as well - for those days when you're just a zombie.
I totally got the impression that you were choosing to laugh at all these that's the tone I got from the post. I admit sometimes it's harder for me to look at things that way than not. Thanks for the new resolve!
I may have to try the homestyle bakes! Sometimes I only have one hand too. thanks for the tip!
Wyatt is a smart boy - I love cookies too :)
Those homestyle bakes are yummy, I'm guilty of them too.
I can relate, I love cookies too...
What a cute little guy, but a bit mischievious! Two toddlers is gonna be interesting!
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