Lee- training in earnest for the Teton Dam Marathon, to be followed up 2 weeks after by To Bone and Back. He is handsome and funny and charming and I love him.
Melody- is a little nuts, but she tries hard and we'll give her credit for that.
Wyatt- busy to the extreme. Has taken up piercing screaming as a favorite past time. Loves cars, airplanes, balls- and loves to throw all three at every opportunity. He is hilarious, he talks more and more every day, and I love him.
Jana- is rolling like crazy, and can sit up with minimal help. Loves to laugh at Wyatt and Skeeter and Daddy, is very ticklish. Likes sweet potatoes and bananas best, just like Wyatt did. She is darling and adorable and I love her.
Skeeter- is having a blast chasing all the birds out of our yard, loves to go for walks and runs with me (he did great when we went out for 6 miles and accidentally did 8), and he loves to snuggle. He is helpful and noble and protects us, and I love him.
And pictures:

Wyatt turned 2 on march 22nd. This is the first glimpse he got of his birthday cars.

Way excited about that birthday cupcake. "Oh, YUM!"

I love this little guy.

Opening the cars to play with on the new road rug. Yes, I'm still in my jammies.

I asked him how old he is now, and he was trying so hard to get just two fingers to stay up.

He was having a good time, and I was laughing like a lunatic.

Just playing and laughing. These two have so much fun together!

Smiley Jana

A monumental first at our house: crayon on the kitchen floor! Wyatt pulled a wire drawer out of the microwave stand, filled it with crayons, and pushed it all around the kitchen. Several of them got caught it the wire point down, and as he drove around, they colored the floor. Thank heaven for Mr. Clean magic Erasers!

Easter morning! I couldn't get him to look at the camera, he was WAY too busy.

Oops. Got some Easter grass stuck to my foot.
There are at least 15 jellybeans in his mouth at this point.

Easter Jana!

She couldn't eat any of the candy in her basket, but everyone was willing to pitch in and help.

I couldn't take pictures of everyone else and not snap one of Skeeter! Here's an Easter Beast.

I made Lee take a picture of me to prove I still exist.

Thanks, honey.

Duchess came to stay with us while her family went to Disneyland. I saw them taking a dog nap and thought it was pretty funny.

I remember buying this dress and thinking it would be forever until it fit. Forever went way faster than I thought it would!

This is a regular routine around here. Wyatt will start calling for his boots: "Boots! Where are you boots?" He found them on top of the dresser.

He loves that he can put them on by himself. Skeeter loves when Wyatt puts his boots on too, because it means they can go outside and play. Yay!

I stopped to take a picture to keep from totally losing my temper! I went in the other room for about 3 minutes, and came back to cheese slices and milk on one side of the highchair, bologna pieces and milk on the other side, grapes and milk spread over the tray, and a fair amount of milk in his hair. *sigh* At least he was happy about it.

She has the softest little kissy-cheeks ever. I cant get enough of kissing her!
Hope you're all doing well! Lots of love and a delicious ham quiche,
M,L,W,J and S
love the update and pictures. glad to know that you are still there.
Yeah, you're still there, at least what's left of you. I'm so jealous. :-(
Cute family, by the way. Kiss Wyatt and Jana liberally for me, please.
Now I must go eat a butterscotch brownie.
You have the cutest babies! They are growing up so fast. Glad to hear that all is well.
Oh wow.. boy the kids have grown since I was last on seeing everyone's blogs! I know I've been a little busy in my up-side-down world! I love your little notes on everyone. You are such a loving mom.. I can tell through all the trials of motherhood you do a wonderful job at looking at the good parts!!!
I love all your picture updates. That was so nice of you to put candy in the easter baskets. I refused so we put coins in the eggs. Kaden had a lot of fun filling his piggy bank
Wow, Jana has a load of dark hair! I don't know why I haven't really noticed it before. I'm glad to know you still exist. Isn't it sad how we capture the moment but are NEVER in it? :)
thanks for the update and pics! It's always nice to hear what you're up to.
Cute pictures! It was so good to see you and your husband the other day!
I hope that was you giving credit to yourself...and I hope someday you can teach me how to do that!!!
You do have super cute kids!!!
Logan has taken to screaming as loud as possible as well.
I love that I'm not the only one that MAKES Kevin take of picture of me & Logan so we can have proof that I'm still kickin' as well.
Such a cute picture of the two of them playing in the chair. Looks like Jana really looks up to her big brother.
Jana seems so happy and she is so cute! Looks like you guys are having fun.
That Jana is AMAZING! I can't believe how super smiley she is! Alyse was smiling at 3 months. My only baby to smile that early and look at her grin now? You got trouble on your hands, girl. WATCHOUT! AND...ehem...I don't think I've ever gone out for a 6 miler and accidentally RAN 8???!!!! What are you crazy, girl? NO - just awesome and my idol! Way to go, Mel. I can't sign off without saying what a sweetie Wyatt is. I could nibble on him for a while. Course, I know he wouldn't stand for one minute of i!
My last word verification was "dishie". Very appropriate - you are lookin' soooooooooooooo dishie, Mel! Good luck to Lee in all his runnings. My friends are trying to convince me to do a 1/2 but ... I just don't think I'm wanting to go the distance...! HUGS!
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