Remember last post when I sarcastically commented that I wanted to move 2200 miles again at the end of the summer? Well, to be honest I was secretly hoping to NOT travel that far. I guess someone somewhere took me literally though, because the next move is not fewer miles, it's more.
A LOT more.

Lee's new orders are to Korea. In case you didn't feel like Googling it, I already did. From Richmond, Virginia to Seoul, South Korea is just over seven thousand miles. And that's the short route going west!
We are all going, and he has to report by November 1st.
And you know what? I am THRILLED!
Granted, I am a little worried about the details, of course- but this is something we would never have done just on our own. I am excited for the experiences ahead for our whole family, this is going to be such a great adventure. I'm trying not to think too much about all the people we're going to miss, but it's only for two years (!) and visitors would be sooo welcome!
Lee has a briefing on Friday and we'll know more then. And probably start packing then, too. :)
Wow Melody! Your life sounds pretty crazy! You better practice up your Koreanese! Or whatever it is they speak there. Hope all goes well for you.
That is wild! I hope that everything goes smoothly while you move overseas. Do you remember Stan Bell from high school? I think he is serving in the military over in Korea. Best wishes! You have such optimism.
I am still in shock. How exciting for you all!!!
You are going to have so many adventures, I'm so excited for your family. :)
What a great opportunity! I totally would want to try living in a foreign country. I'll start saving my skymiles...Brad and I have yet to make it to Asia. This could be our chance :)
That is great! Good for you. You will cherish these years to come forever. How exciting! (It probably won’t beat Rigby, though)
This is so crazy! I can't wait to hear about all of your adventures. I can't even imagine the logistics of moving that far away...especially with kids!
And, I loved seeing your new house! I drool over the idea of having that much space.
are you going to camp humphreys? they have the best water park in all of asia! excited fo ryou! you will love it!
I think a foreign country would be cool. But at the same time, I would be terrified to leave my family. WE had some friends go to Kadena for their first assignment (in Japan), and I thought "wow... there's no way I could do that..." But I could, if I were put in that situation. :P Congrats! The military life is an adventure!
That's where Cory served his mission, so if there's any way we can visit, we sure will!! You will automatically love most of their food (bulgogi, calbi, chap chay mmmmm) and if you aren't too into kimche at first, you'll probably acquire a taste for it (although Pres. Hinckley never did). We are definitely a little jealous! The McBride's have been there for awhile too.
good luck. you will be great over there.
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