And rather than make the crabby, irritated post that was on the tip of my...fingers, I will just post the pictures from the big drive. You know, since we'll be repeating it in reverse in about 9 weeks. It's one little thing off of my Meaning To Do List. Emotionally, I need a win in the "done" column since my HAVE To Do List got really long suddenly (the timer for a lot of arranging of international travel is ticking much more rapidly than I formerly knew *grumble*).
So, here's to small victories in the form of a herd of pictures. Yay!

The Beginning: Getting on I-80 East in Salt Lake



Illinois somewhere (Illinois was pretty much underwater)
As for the rest of these, they are all from among the following choices: Missouri, Indiana, Kentucky, West Virginia, or Virginia. I was mostly watching that big yellow Penske truck hauling the red Toyota pickup. For 5 solid days.

Wretched West Virginia toll roads!
And this was the morning after we arrived. Pretty much sums up how we all felt- crazy... eating cold cereal out of a paper bowl with our fingers up our noses!
And this was in Yellowstone over Memorial Day Weekend. If you're wondering if I miss Idaho and its ridiculously cold weather- yes. Yes, I do.
And here's the beast, because he's just noble and handsome.
And my kids, because I think they're cute.
What is it that makes me feel unaccomplished if things like blogs and scrapbooks go without attention? Add in dishes and laundry, folding and ironing, sweeping and mopping and dusting, finding meaningful scripture time, changing sheets and scrubbing toilets and washing children and animals, paying bills and cooking meals, making time for stories and songs and hide-and-seek, and the incredible guilt that piles up with each day the treadmill goes un-run on... Ugh. I am feeling a little overwhelmed today.
But I'm not gonna lie, knowing my blog is updated makes me feel a teeny bit better!
At least it was Penske and not Budget! Budget was a.w.f.u.l.!!!
I'm glad your blog is updated, too!! I went to Mom and Dad's yesterday for the first time since you moved, and I cried when I went downstairs because you were not there.
Today we cleaned out Isaac's shoe box. He has outgrown his Perry the Platypus tennis shoes, and he really, really wants to give them to Wyatt, because "Wyatt REALLY loves Perry, Mom!" I'll keep them for you.
Just so you know looking at those pictures, I was laughing and crying...seriously. I feel your pain, because I feel THE EXACT SAME WAY!!! My emotional self is toast and I'm not sure how to recover myself in the next week, which is really all I have. *sigh* I love your guts and miss you to the moon, and Mars, and even Jupiter and back..... said it. These Easterners and their blasted tolls! Love all the on the road pictures.
Wowsers, that's a LOT of driving. I would be at my wits end watching that moving truck with your truck on the back. I'm glad you're there. And safe. And sane...or at least trying to be. ;)
So you have to do that same drive in reverse in 9 weeks? Are you coming back to UT and then going to Korea from there?
Nebraska has got to be the WORST state to drive through! Nothing to look at- I felt like we were driving on a giant treadmill not going anywhere for hours.
here is something I said to paul anesthesia the other day.. "Bless your hole!".. "I mean soul, paul!" the bad thing was it was only 730 or 1930! i'm glad you updated
Welp, if anyone can get through the next 9 wks...YOU CAN!! Good luck, girl.
"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming..."
Awesome! That I-80 drive is just brutally long -- I remember when I first went to college from KC, I looked around at all the non-green and thought, "REALLY?! People live here?!" Now, when I go back to the Midwest and experience the humidity I think, "REALLY?! People live here?!" LOL
Good luck with all the schtuff on your plate - you are doing amazing! You can get it done ... one step at a time.
And, BTW, this is the best line I've read in a long time -- Seriously!
"And this was the morning after we arrived. Pretty much sums up how we all felt- crazy... eating cold cereal out of a paper bowl with our fingers up our noses!"
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