There is no other word for what has been happening to my blog lately. It's just plain neglect. I uploaded the pictures off my camera for the first time since before Christmas last week. Maybe my blog isn't the only thing neglected!
I have a great desire to get back into my blog and get my life documented as we go, since- as I remind my kids almost daily- we might never come to Korea again in our lives, and we need to make the most of it. And in any case, my kids will never be 3 and 5 again, so I better document all I can while life is right here happening!
In case you're wondering, we are all doing pretty well. Lee's job is hard and busy, but we are all thrilled that no matter where we are, we are still together, and Daddy still comes home to us at night (well, most nights...*grumble, mutter* staff duty). I am not working right now and I am falling over myself in joy at the chance to be a non-zombie mom and just be home with my kiddos. Wyatt and Jana are hilarious and awesome, as I hope to illustrate by posting their funny comments and pictures more regularly! Skeeter is such a good boy, and even if apartment living means I have to walk him three times a day, rain or shine... I am still very glad he came with us! Here's a few pictures I snapped the other day while Wyatt and Jana were playing in the sunshine with their new bubble guns.
And I promise I will post pictures of our house and neighborhood this week, but first I have to change my Valentine's background...since it's APRIL for the love. *shameful head shake*
The Noble Beast
My favorite picture of the day. I sure love these monkeys.
They sat on the railing pretending they were sitting on "airplane seats." So cute.

I couldn't help but smile as I listened to so much laughter from them both.
I also couldn't help but smile because I just love bubbles, and these little toys make SO many! Decidedly a fine way to use 12,000 won.
I hope you all enjoyed/are enjoying/will enjoy a lovely Conference weekend, we are looking forward to next week when we won't have meetings and we'll get to stay home and watch it too. Hooray!
Lots of love and hugs and Easter jellybeans!
I have never seen a bubble gun that works so well! We have had to return all of the ones we've ever bought because they didn't work. Glad you are loving staying at home!
I'm glad to see you blogging again. I love it when you tell tales of Wyatt and Jana's adventures!! Miss you terribly, but if it took you moving to Korea to be able to stay home with your kids, then it was totally worth it, even if I miss you.
i'm glad to see that your still alive and things are going well for you guys. we talked about memories of work melody the other night, Fay and I. You were a blast to work with.
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