Wednesday, June 25, 2008


We got our first wading pool this year, and it turns out that when the water is warm enough, Wyatt really likes to play in it! Our second wading pool will join our family really soon, though, because the inflatable one could get popped if a certain clawed member of our family gets in. Poor Skeeter circled the wading pool looking forlorn and licking water off the sides while Wyatt and I played. So we have a hard plastic one to come shortly so Skeeter can cool off on these hot days too- plus it's waaaay easier to manage than having to spend an hour pumping up this bad boy.

Wyatt lovin' swimming.

Pool mohawk = time for a haircut...

Mommy and Wyatt in the pool.

I had to post this picture of my blogging buddy. Skeeter likes to curl up under the desk and wait oh-so-patiently for me to be done doing whatever I do on the computer, and this last time when I pushed the keyboard back, I couldn't help taking a picture. Thanks for keeping me company, Skeeter!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Cookie Days

This picture pretty much sums up the last few weeks for us. We just do our thing and I make lots of cookies (from frozen dough, I'm not Betty Crocker!). This picture cracks me up especially when you notice Skeeter hovering in the corner, waiting for Wyatt to drop him some crumbs.

Lee is still loving his new job, and is getting ready to run a 20-mile race with his sister next weekend. I am so proud of him for being such a go-getter, and truthfully a little jealous that he's getting in great shape, and I am...adding to my already doughy physique. I guess I could cut back on the cookies. ;)

I am doing fine aside from having cookie cravings and being jealous, though. I'm pretty tired after chasing Wyatt around all day, and all my coworkers can attest to the fact that I'm not worth anything after about 3 a.m. But I enjoy my job and I love my little family, and that's the important part!

Wyatt has been loving this cookie phase. Lately he'll come up to me with a concerned look on his face while patting his head. This means, "Mom, I need my hat, I'm going outside now." He LOVES to play outside, and cries when I make him come in. He and Skeeter have some funny games they play together, and I am perfectly content to sit on the deck and watch. I only have to intervene when Wyatt tries to play in the bird bath, because that's gross!

Skeeter is loving the cookie phase too, because Wyatt is a VERY good sharer. Wyatt is just too young to differentiate between sharing with friends and sharing with dogs. So, for now, we share with everybody. Skeeter has no qualms about that, I'm sure.
Little baby girl is very, very active and we are so excited for her to about 16 and a half weeks. I caved in and bought a maternity swimsuit the other day, so hopefully that will help Mommy pass the last trimester with not such an ill temper. I get pretty scary when I'm too hot.

So here's some pictures of the last few weeks of cookie-ing.

This has a story- Lee has learned that when I'm in a crabby mood, he can break me out of it by making me laugh. So I had turned my back for a second, and when I looked at Lee, his mouth was stuffed with cookie while he tried to get a bite out of every single one before I noticed. I laughed so hard I cried, and wasn't so crabby know, for a while. Thanks, honey!

I can't explain the look on his face, but it makes me laugh.

Wyatt got a hold of a few cookies when I wasn't looking. This is a look of sheer delight, and I love it. He also benevolently dropped two cookies on the floor for Skeeter, which I took away because that's just too much for dogs. I traded him for a Beggin' Strip (dogs don't know it's not bacon!), so we are still friends.

Wyatt has been going through this kick of trying to eat finger foods without using his hands. Instead he does a face-plant with his mouth open. It's hilarious.

The funny thing is, he's pretty good at it!

Wyatt and Skeeter watching Daddy mow the lawn.

"Wyatt, where's Mommy's nose?"

Saturday, June 7, 2008

And the baby is...

It's a GIRL!
We are so excited to get a little girl- even Lee. I am extra excited that I won't be the only estrogen contributor around here! Apparently this little one is already pretty photogenic; she was looking right at the ultrasonographer and wouldn't look any other way. So this is a picture of her looking right out at us. She's measuring just right, so we're still planning on her making an appearance around October 14th.
Thank heaven for little girls!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Poor Dakota

Last Saturday we decided we'd take a jaunt up to Jackson to window shop and hang out. We piled the strollers in the bed, put Wyatt and his friend Camille in the back with me, Lee, Brad and Karen sat up front and off we went!
Little did we know.

We got just past Driggs- not quite to Victor- and Lee said my most hated words ever: "Uh-oh." When your sweet mechanic husband says that phrase, you already know whatever he says next is going to be expensive. :)

The engine was smoking, and when Lee pulled over and looked under the hood, he told us that transmission fluid was leaking out fast. Meaning the poor tranny is in the act of dying, and we have no more truck for a while. RATS! Lucky for us, Steve was able to come save the day with his big truck and flatbed trailer, but we still had an hour or two to kill before he could get there. So we pulled out the strollers and went for a nice walk back to Driggs- along the edge of the highway. Karen was sweet to go slower with me, since I can't waddle very quickly.
We got back to the Broulims in Driggs to change diapers and have lunch, and the boys got the truck all loaded up and we headed for home.
Once we were back safely, we took a few minutes to play with Lee's "new" go kart, and pretty much called it a day. Since I was tired and pretty crabby by the time this was all over, I decided I should add up the good things out of this experience, such as:

* It was a relatively nice and scenic 3 mile walk back to Driggs
* Steve was able to get us and save us from paying for a tow truck (thanks, again!)
* It was a Saturday and we weren't in a hurry to get back for work or anything else
* We had been planning on walking around all day anyway, so we still did what we set out to do, just not WHERE we meant to.
* Everyone else kept their cool, which helped me not to completely freak out
* If the transmission had to break, it certainly could have picked a worse place- we drove it to Salt Lake just the week before!
* I still got a bunch of cute pictures!
So, the moral of my story came to this: even in my little trial, I came out with more blessings anyway. I am one lucky girl! Lee will also be able to do a lot of the work himself, so I will hopefully have my poor Dakota back sometime next week. Now the pictures!

Wyatt and Camille

Happy Wyatt

Sweet Mil

About 10 minutes later...

Playing on the go kart...

A little more play time!

And there's the end of the Poor Dakota story. In other news, I got summoned for lame jury duty AGAIN, Lee still likes his job a lot, I still like my job with only slightly less enthusiasm (I'll like it more someday when I can resume getting through a whole shift without falling asleep), and we'll find out what we're having on Thursday! So until then, lots of love and Popcorn Chicken from KFC!