Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Fun with Numbers!

ZERO The number of naps I had today.
ONE Meals I got to eat today (don't worry, the kids got more!)
TWO Baths I gave today.
THREE Wiggly, furry or madly-running-everywheres that I'm supposed to be caring for!
FOUR Attempts to pull Wyatt off the pile of newly folded laundry he was attacking.
FIVE Weeks left until I go back to work! *gulp*
SIX Baby bottles to wash each day.
SEVEN Times I said "Wyatt! No! Yucky!" after I caught him lapping water out of Skeeter's dish...
EIGHT Hours alone in the car with Jana to and from Salt Lake on Thursday. Wish us luck!
NINE Diapers I changed today
TEN Times happier than I ever thought having children would make me!

There, I said it. They darn near drive me nuts, but they make my life fun and full and interesting! So Wyatt, Jana and Skeeter: I love you!
And of course Lee, I love you also. A lot.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Very Funny

So, I admit I am anxiously awaiting the Twilight movie as much as the next vampire-addict. As such, I am curiously drawn to every trailer or article or spoof- the link is the latter. I like this writer's stuff anyway, but this really made me laugh out loud, even while holding a crying baby!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Still At It

Jana is almost 7 weeks old and I am happy to report that we are still hanging in there! Yay! She is getting a routine going well enough that I am slowly creeping back into being a somewhat Mommy. Which makes the rest of the family happier, I think. She is smiling more, and we discovered she has a little dimple in her left cheek! So cute.

Wyatt is so much fun. I love watching him learn and develop his problem-solving skills and see him really starting to interact with everyone and everything around him. He talks to Skeeter all day long, and calls for him whenever he can't see him. Which is fun when we go for a walk, because the WHOLE time Wyatt is yelling, "Skee-ah, Skeeeeeee-aaaaahhh!!! *woo woo!*" (He still does his high-pitched squeak to imitate a whistle sound, it's hilarious.) He helps clean up his toys before bed and folds his arms when we have prayers- I can't believe he's growing into a little boy and isn't a baby anymore.

Lee is working hard and keeps the kids and dog entertained and keeps me laughing- thank heaven for that! Last weekend I talked him into taking Jana for the night so I could sleep. I was SO excited! I took a nice hot bubble bath and a sleeping pill to boot. Bless his heart, he held out until one o'clock and then he'd had it. He woke me up and told me he couldn't get her to stop crying- so he climbed in bed and I climbed out. *sigh* Us night nurses joke sometimes that we can sleep when we're dead, apparently it's not going to happen before then! :)

Here's a few pictures of our goings-on:

The afternoon sun was shining in on Jana's bassinet, and she reminded me of a little angel- of course, they're always more angelic when they are asleep...

Sleeping Beauty

Wyatt likes to put things on his head lately: hats, bowls, diapers (clean ones!), etc. He's got Jana's cute pink and purple hat on, and I guess he's getting ready to start weight-lifting with Daddy.

Eating a plain slice of bread...with a spoon. I can't explain how that happened- did I do that?

We love our friend Monica, she takes such great pictures! I bought Jana a little Christmas dress, and I think she looks pretty cute. Thanks, Monica!

A little baby smile

Jana Kay

Skeeter has been my black shadow lately, he really likes having me home all the time. That's because I'm a sucker and give him the last bite of everything I eat.
We hope you are all happy and healthy and looking forward to a fun Thanksgiving. Lots of love and MORE pumpkin chocolate chip cookies (yum yum yum)!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Sleeping? Not yet!

So, I had kind of assumed that once I wasn't pregnant anymore my insomnia would take care of itself. I mean come on, I'm awake all day and half the night- you'd think when the opportunity arose to sleep I'd be able to, right? Nope. And it's not like this is an appropriate time to take a sleeping pill, what with feedings still every few hours. So I lay there in the dark, with sleeping people and animals all around me, and I'm just staring at the ceiling- last night I laid awake for two whole hours after Jana's 3 a.m. feeding. So to heck with sleep! Who needs it? I'm just going to blog all night! :)

I feel guilty for posting a million pictures at once, so I'll keep the news part brief. Lee is doing awesome, and I love him for keeping me. I am hanging on by a wimpy thread, but I'm still hanging on and that's the important part. Wyatt is hilarious, and his antics keep me sane. Jana is sweet and darling, and although she cries a LOT more than Wyatt did, I think the issue is more that Wyatt hardly ever cried than that Jana has colic or anything. When we get past the nighttime fussy spells (they're only about half the time now), life will be easy breezy!

There's stories to go with some of the pictures, so bear with me.

Halloween Baby

It was a chilly day, so we had a choice of calm pictures with pacifier, or crying pictures without pacifier. I chose with.

Lee called him "Tricerababy"

Jana chillin' in her carseat while Wyatt and Daddy played at the park

I only have blurry park pictures of Wyatt, because he is always on the move!

Here's how I know I am raising an Idaho boy: lunch today was a big fat bowl of SQUASH. He actually ate some of it!

Wyatt has been developing his organizational skills lately. It's really funny to come across some thing he's been working on. Here, for example, he opens the front face of the fireplace (yeah, great play spot, Mommy) and neatly arranges a random selection of items. Notice there's a baby wipe in the mix. Anytime he gets his hands on the wipes he pulls out five or so and wipes his nose, face, hands, and interestingly enough, rubs down his hair until it's wet. I find used wipes all over everywhere!

Usually when he touches the fireplace door he gets in trouble. I'm sure I sent a mixed message by laughing and taking pictures of this, and THEN telling him "No, no, no!" It was just too funny, though.

A few days later I find this: all the toys from Skeeter's basket, carefully placed across the piano keys. Good job, Wyatt!

If you've seen my status on Facebook lately, you know what this is. If not, I'll tell you: it's 40 pounds of bananas. Lee bought two boxes (five bucks each), making a total of 80 pounds of bananas. I kept them in the mudroom so they'd keep a little cooler and not spoil while we figured out what in blazes to do with so many bananas!

The solution- a brand new dehydrator!

Just a small portion of all the dried banana chips I now have. They are a healthy, tasty snack!

Getting the pumpkins out for Halloween

The story: Many moons ago, my sister made a family of pumpkin costumes for Halloween, and she gave them to me when Wyatt was born. Unfortunately, the baby pumpkin was too small for Wyatt this year, and I couldn't talk Lee into being a pumpkin (he's more of the creepy, scary costume type) and having spent the better part of the year feeling like a big round object, I just wasn't up for it this year. However, it did fit someone in our family...

He is such a good boy to let Mommy pick on him like this.

We tried on Wyatt's old bear costume- it was too small the long way, and so the little tail kept giving him a fur wedgie, and he ran around trying to un-wedge himself. It was hysterical.

The ward Halloween party. This is the tamest costume Lee owns, and it's because I bought it for him. So here's Zorro and my dinosaur.

Wyatt enjoying his winnings from the Cupcake Walk.

Mommy ("Mormon angels don't have wings!") and my tiny reindeer.

Jana at one month old. This has a story too- when Lee came home from work one night, he brought in a cute pink outfit and a blanket with crocheted edging with the mail and stuff. I asked who gave us them, and he said he didn't know, they were outside the door when he came home. There was no card with them, or if there had been the wind took it. I have no idea who this gift is from, but I really want to thank them! I am offering a reward to anyone who can give me information that will lead to the discovery of the gift-giver! If said gift-giver wants to remain anonymous, and happens to be reading this: thanks so much. The outfit and blanket are darling!

This is just really, really funny. Does this mean she'll be a KISS fan?

I told Lee to take a picture of me with Jana, since we don't have very many. Now I see why not. In my defense, this was at the end of a really busy day- I don't usually look this tired.

I was walking through the kitchen to get Wyatt this morning when I heard this from the nursery:
[Little voice] "Hello? Hi! Uh-huh! Okay! Bye!"
I peeked around the corner and found out that, in the absence of a phone, a hammer works just as well- just put the head up to your ear and talk into the handle!

Jana wearing her cute fuzzy pink bunny slippers. I always wanted some pink bunny slippers, but they are hard to come by. I am so delighted that Uncle Brian and Aunt Heidi gave Jana some!

These two are totally in love. Jana only cries at night after Daddy has gone to bed...maybe she just misses him. :)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


This tag has you post the 6th picture in your 6th folder- and I discovered I REALLY need to organize my pictures!

This is Skeeter right after we got him- he's only about 1 year old, and Lee, and dog-cousin Puppy (she belongs to Lee's brother).
And I tag...
1. Lainie
2. Melissa
3. Nonie
4. Tiffany
5. Melinda