Wyatt is so much fun. I love watching him learn and develop his problem-solving skills and see him really starting to interact with everyone and everything around him. He talks to Skeeter all day long, and calls for him whenever he can't see him. Which is fun when we go for a walk, because the WHOLE time Wyatt is yelling, "Skee-ah, Skeeeeeee-aaaaahhh!!! *woo woo!*" (He still does his high-pitched squeak to imitate a whistle sound, it's hilarious.) He helps clean up his toys before bed and folds his arms when we have prayers- I can't believe he's growing into a little boy and isn't a baby anymore.
Lee is working hard and keeps the kids and dog entertained and keeps me laughing- thank heaven for that! Last weekend I talked him into taking Jana for the night so I could sleep. I was SO excited! I took a nice hot bubble bath and a sleeping pill to boot. Bless his heart, he held out until one o'clock and then he'd had it. He woke me up and told me he couldn't get her to stop crying- so he climbed in bed and I climbed out. *sigh* Us night nurses joke sometimes that we can sleep when we're dead, apparently it's not going to happen before then! :)
Here's a few pictures of our goings-on:

The afternoon sun was shining in on Jana's bassinet, and she reminded me of a little angel- of course, they're always more angelic when they are asleep...

Sleeping Beauty
Wyatt likes to put things on his head lately: hats, bowls, diapers (clean ones!), etc. He's got Jana's cute pink and purple hat on, and I guess he's getting ready to start weight-lifting with Daddy.

Eating a plain slice of bread...with a spoon. I can't explain how that happened- did I do that?

We love our friend Monica, she takes such great pictures! I bought Jana a little Christmas dress, and I think she looks pretty cute. Thanks, Monica!
A little baby smile

Jana Kay

Skeeter has been my black shadow lately, he really likes having me home all the time. That's because I'm a sucker and give him the last bite of everything I eat.
We hope you are all happy and healthy and looking forward to a fun Thanksgiving. Lots of love and MORE pumpkin chocolate chip cookies (yum yum yum)!
Sure....you let Wyatt put dirty diapers on his head ;)
Great pics of Jana, she's really growing.
Thanks for the update, its weird not to be able to see you more often!!!
Your kids are darling as usual. I wish I could hold your new baby, oh well:)! I hope she gets sleeping better and better each day.
more girls night out please! Night nurses don't know what sleep is, will we ever? I don't remember ever eating pumkin cookies...sounds yummy
I love the pictures! Wyatt eating the bread is just like JJ. He insists on eating his peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with a spoon! I don't know how it works, but it does!
Man, those first few months with a new baby are just brutal when it comes to the sleep deprivation. My heart goes out to you, Mel! I'm gonna email you back tomorrow! :)
The cake recipe is easy, here it is. One chocolate cake mix, cook half of it in a round cake pan, and the other half in a round cake pan, so you have two round cakes. Take an instant chocolate pudding and mix according to the pie filling directions. Spread the pudding on one cake, you don't have to use all of the pudding, because it sometimes falls out of the edges of the cake, take your other cake and put on top of the pudding and frost it:) It's easy and very yummy, and make sure you keep it in the fridge or else the pudding will get too soft and spill out the sides. Good luck...and also the dounut cake sounds really good:)
Oh my! Hopefully soon she will sleep through the night! I love the book Baby Wise and my kids slept great and still do . . .just a thought.
Are you coming this way for Thanksgiving or Christmas?
I can't wait to see you!!
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